Hospitality Day 2023
Hospitality Day, the annual meeting of the world of hospitality where to share experiences, develop business and discuss the most effective strategies to improve one’s work, will take place on 10th October 2023 in Rimini. A training day with seminars conducted by international testimonials for the hotellerie and catering sectors, architects, entrepreneurs, and extraordinary people with stories to tell.
Our proposal at Hospitality Day
We’re looking forward to meeting you at the Starpool corner, in Foyer C-A21, where you’ll be able to meet our consultants and discuss the topics of the wellness sector for the world of hospitality.
You’ll be able to try Wellness Coach: our virtual guide for the well-being of body and mind. It is an interactive system to feel good and fit in only 10 minutes, through the Brain Training contents developed in collaboration with renowned partners from the sectors of research and sports. Numerous facilities have decided to include Wellness Coach in their wellness offer and transform the moment dedicated to rest in real experiences of psycho-physical regeneration, even with little space or time available.

Moreover, at 4 pm in the Sala della Marina, our Head of Consulting Paolo Tranquillini, together with Alessandroi Sciarrone, Sales Manager at Technogym, and Luigi Caterino, Founder & CEO of The Longevity, will present a speech titled “Spa is longevity. The new frontier of wellness for hospitality of excellence.”
Come visit us at Hospitality Day
When: Tuesday 10th October 2023
Time: 08.30 – 18.30
Where: Palacongressi in Rimini
Booth: Foyer C-A21 (near the escalator)
Entry: free subject to registration
For further information: qui
Our solutions for Hospitality
Our experience at your service
The world of Starpool
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