Pro Motus is a company based in Bolzano, Italy, that works in the fields of training, sports medicine, rehabilitation physical therapy, and in the functional assessment of performance in the sports and medical sector. Starpool entrusted Pro Motus with an ambitious12-month-long project called: “Dry-floating with Zerobody as a practice for stress management and psycho-physical recovery”.
The research is based on the analysis of 20 voluntary subjects, whose acute relaxation response generated by dry floatation on Zerobody was investigated at a physiological, neurophysiological, biochemical, and psychological level.
The results were then compared to those obtained during a relaxation session on a standard bed. Important results were found when assessing all the measured parameters: reduction in heart rate, energy consumption and lactate concentration; lowering of blood pressure. The favourable data emerged when comparing them with those of the control group. In addition to these outcomes, a significant decrease in pain perception was also found.
The reduction in pain seems to have been triggered by the treatment on Zerobody itself, besides various factors connected to mood and fatigue level.