Recharge Room Basic


Our Recharge Room Basic is intended for companies that have yet to develop solid Corporate Wellness policies. A solution that requires little space, but that encompasses all of Starpool’s experience in offering moments of regeneration and wellnes that blend perfectly in the work schedule or daily routine.


Wellness Coach

Welness Coach is an innovative and versatile solution to create a space of psycho-physical regeneration inside your company, even in small spaces. Thanks to an intuitive software, you’ll be able to offer your associates actual Brain Training programs: moments of physical and mental regeneration that allow you to recharge your batteries and favour an organidational climate that has a positive impact on the company as a whole.


Synua Lounger

The sinuous shape of Synua Lounger supports and embraces the body perfectly, ensuring the utmost comfort. Its ergonomic characteristics go hand in hand with the Brain Training activities, favouring a kind of posture that maximises the effectiveness of Mindfulness programs and guided breathing techniques available with Wellness Coach.

Recharge Room

Recharge Room